Finally Leaving Hong Kong


My Emirates flight is delayed to 1:20 am (original time: 12:35 am) and I am here at the HKIA typing in front of a super crappy outdated internet kiosk.

At least it’s free.

However, this all signals the end of my Hong Kong run for now.

After 1.5 years of working, 1 year of studying, 3 months of glorious internship, I am now heading to the school I could’ve gone with if I chose not to focus my MBA in Asia. Oh LBS… how could I have not applied to you? 🙁

Then again, it was a conscious decision.

By choosing HKUST, I was choosing a life in Asia instaed of being more mobile. Some people call it stuck and limiting my options. My mom would say it’s putting my personal life first. She is dead scared that the obstinate me would not get married, and no one was as relieved as she was when I told her I was in HKUST to be with Trader.

Trader was of course, very much relieved. Hong Kong was a mere 3.5 hours away from Singapore… far enough and yet close enough to make a weekend trip. London would’ve killed him, and maybe even our relationship.

I also shut my doors in terms of the types of jobs I can accept. Oh well, maybe I could’ve done something more but hell, maybe I wouldn’t be as happy in the first place.

Regardless, I am heading off to London for a dry run in the next 3 hours. Whoppee-doo!

Okay,. gotta log off. Talk soon!

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4 thoughts on “Finally Leaving Hong Kong

  1. Hahaha, now it’s going to be adventures in London for 3.5 months. Arrgh, people have it so good in Hong Kong!

  2. Hi Bonita,
    I randomly found your blog while searching for HKUST, and it surprised me that we have so much in common. My parents are from taiwan and I studied abroad since I was 14. I currently lived in Taipei and I worked in the banking industry. I got an offer from HKUST for their 2012 intake; however, I am still caught in a dilemma, on one hand, I want to stay close to my family and I already had a bachelor degree in business from the states, hence, I applied to HKUST. On the other hand, LBS/Columbia is more perstigious, and is regarded highly everywhere. I read that you did your exchange program in LBS and loved the environment, the style of teaching and the curriculum. My question is, if you had a second chance, would you still go to HKUST or would you apply for LBS/Columbia and take your chances?

    Thanks and best of luck with everything

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