A Lazy SunDAY


Our Sunday brunch menu featured some delicious Xinjiang Fare in a restaurant at the corner of Water Street and Pok Fu Lam road) in the company of new friends. To the inexperienced, Xinjiang food uses a lot of heavy mutton and hot spice. Just check out this HUGE piece of meat which we had to share amongst 8 people:


Needless to say, we did NOT finish all of the food, though my Taiwanese acquaintances had an exciting time photographing the food.

That’s almost every single dish, ladies and gentlemen. It’s kinda funny in a way. There were the Taiwanese women happily snapping away, while the Hong Kongnese were puzzled and scratching their head saying, “They do this to every dish. Do they always have to take photos of food before eating it?”

“Most likely, they have a blog,” I calmly explained as I snapped photos of people and snapping some of the dishes as below:

Guess in lots of ways, I’ve adapted some curious Taiwanese habits as well. And yes, what’s wrong with sharing what you ate with people who read your blog? 🙂

Btw, that was a sumptuous chicken dish. Heavily flavored and totally delicious! It was great to wash it down with some fresh strawberry yoghurt to remove the after-taste.

I liked it especially with the gelatin and t’was a perfect complement to the meal. Overall, it was quite reasonable at HKD125 a pop, but it was the company involved that made it all better.

Afterwards, I dropped by Central to check out the many sales out there. H&M was seriously packed though I found their clothes lacking in quality and style. I tried to see if there were any discounts from the lingerie section of Marks & Spencer, only to find it was only a few sections that didn’t. Hence, I went home instead and got even more addicted to “Gossip Girl,” which is just an awesome show.

Isn’t it just me or is Nate Archibald just dreamy?

Is it so pedophelic to think the show so hot when the guy’s the same age as my little brother? Anyway, he is really cute, and the storyline actually arrests my attention. Come to think of it, they haven’t even graduated high school and they have even more issues than I do!

And if I have to add, Blake Lively is amazing in the show. She just emanates warmth and genuineness that it’s impossible not to like her. Of course, Queen Bees are usually biatches to the fullest and it’s hard to believe that she was this IT girl before, but heck, it’s a teenage show so just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Anyway, the four-day holiday’s almost over. Can’t believe how time has flown. On some good news, an old friend of mine from half a decade ago sent me a message in Facebook. Maybe he reads my blog or not (considering I had moved), but it was such a welcoming email.

I was smiling as I’ve read it because it’s just cool to see how people still stay in contact thanks to the wonders of technology. Am sure that he and I have grown already and it would be interesting to see how much we have changed since then. From what I see, he is doing quite well in Hong Kong, and so am I.

But it did put my mind off so many things, so thank you FHM (yes, that’s his initials, not the magazine) for brightening up my day!

Have a great week everyone! Going to start studying now so wish me luck!

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