Love/Hate Relationship


I have a constant love/hate relationship with my guys.

The most notable example is with Ex#2 who I seem to can’t really get rid off (or unsure if I ever do want to get rid of him permanently).

Ever since we broke up half a year ago, our relationship has gone way up and way down, and yet, we’re still a big part of each other’s lives.

We’ve fought (or shall we say, discussed issues), we’ve shared our dreams, fears and tears, we’ve grown distant and yet… despite it all, he was the one who spent time to console me multiple times during dire times in my life.

There’s my guy best friend Mike, who sometimes irritates the hell out of me.

As he’s said, “Raven, we’ll never be together… we’ll drive each other nuts!”

and then mentions his great idea, “When you’re 40 and still unmarried which is impossible, we should just get married and have kids.

Great, at least I know I have a safety net if I still remain a spinster in my 40s. 🙁

There’s my climbing friend with whom I fight with incessantly, mainly because I constantly tease him and he absolutely hates it, down to the point that he refused to see me for a month because I didn’t seem to respect him.

Then later admits that he likes me.

Or how about the other guy I work with in the organization. We’ve always had a love/hate work relationship. He’s always giving out some great insane ideas, propelling our organization to success, and making me work my butt off without pay.

He just asked me out for dinner.

Hmmm… I’m not really making sense here. Anyway, just want to shout, “Thank God it’s Friday!”
Oh, some updates on what I’ve been up to lately, this poster gives you an idea:

Last night, I attended the Music Discovery party co-hosted by Luxy, Hennessy and GQ! We were able to get free tickets care of the liquor company’s brand manager, and he was even kind enough to reserve 2-3 tables for us right smack in front.

Though it started at an early 9PM, it was a great party. Hennessy drinks were flowing, tons of hot women around and I even managed to spot a cutie or two (guys of course). There were just an overwhelming number of sexily-clad women that my colleague’s jaw almost dropped to the floor! It was his first time in a Taipei club (he used to work in Hsinchu) that he’s never seen an overload of hotness in a single club!

It was my first time to watch the group, Machi, in action as well.

Machi’s this Taiwanese rap group. They seem pretty famous though I don’t really know them very well ‘cept meeting Jeff (big brother) and Edward a handful of times in casual gatherings. I believe they’re ABC and Edward in particular seems really nice. Haha, girls really went wild when the latter came out on stage without his top on.

Anyway, I’ve had a lot of fun! I was dancing most of the night, and though we left a little over midnight (early!), my feet were already too tired.

There’s nothing more fun than some mindless dancing! 🙂

Thanks Tony for inviting us! It was a very successful event with 1,000 party-goers on a Thursday night!
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately… mainly that my work permit ends on February 2007 and maybe it’s about time for me to leave Taiwan.

I was talking to Mark about this yesterday. We were discussing when’s the right time to leave Taipei.

I think it’s when you’ve exhausted all possibility of fun, that you leave this country,” I told him, “Right now, though we’re a bit tired with the high-level of energy we get every single weekend, we still have some energy yet. Hence, if you leave now, you can’t help but have some regret because you know you haven’t milked Taipei for all its worth.

The question to ask is, ‘Is it better to live somewhere else?’” I said. “Instead, it should be, ‘Is it worth it to stay? What’s that thing that’s keeping me in Taiwan despite all odds? What’s holding me back from leaving?”

He was seriously thinking of leaving because he’s yet to find another job (though he already has a job now!).

Two hours later, I came back crying and told him, “I think it’s about time for me to leave... come February 2007, it’s time for me to leave.

Don’t give up,” he said. “I won’t let you leave.

To which I thought, you can’t really make me stay if I don’t want to.

You’ll hate going back home! You’ll be a prisoner in your dad’s house, and we all know how unhappy you’ll be…” he insisted.

But in my heart, I wanted to scream and shout, “But Mark, nothing’s holding me back, nothing’s really keeping me here…

And what’s really here? I look around me… what’s really here?

I softly cried again.

Don’t give up,” Mark repeated. “Give yourself another deadline.

I don’t know… I really don’t. And maybe that’s why it’s almost time…

It’s cold in Taiwan here. Tomorrow, we’re up for some wild paintball action and watch DJ Tiesto live in concert! As for Sunday, it’s meeting up with a couple of friends for brunch!

Take care y’ all!

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