10 Quick Takeaways from the Lockdown

1. Make sure you have savings to tide you even with a 6 month lockdown.

Stop buying luxurious things if you don’t have any savings —- Do you really need a pair of Valentino shoes?

2. Work for a company that takes care of its employees.

Reconsider freelance work.

When crisis happens, nobody protects you. Or if you must, save a portion of income because you have to protect yourself when shit hits the fan.

3. If you are a business owner, remember that some staff will be grateful no matter what you give, while others will always be ungrateful and angry regardless of what you give.

Remove these bad apples immediately.

4. I will close non profitable stores and let go of non productive staff.

No point to keep unless you want to sink the entire boat.

5. Remember the politicians who failed its citizens during the time of need.

Make every vote count.

6. Always be appreciative of our frontliners and workers who keep the economy going.

They work so we don’t have to. Be super nice to them.

7. I will thank the Lord for His protection.

There were people who died due to COVID-19. He chose us to live. Gotta have a purpose to that.

Make sure you’re worth more alive because you and your family were spared. Don’t waste it.

8. I will stock up on things I realized were missing at home.

We usually eat out so I don’t notice that our cups are broken, and this is the only one left. I will start baking too so I don’t have to eat Ben’s Cookies at php90 a piece.

9. I will still travel the same way.

If I died tomorrow, I want to die without regrets. Maybe add more things to my bucket list. Apparently travel is a gift, so don’t waste it.

10. I will resume life as normal, sorry.

Why let fear affect and consume my life?

There’s a difference in being calm and practical to being stupid and reckless.

I trust in Him. If I really trust in Him, I should not worry. If I worry, then I am not really trusting in Him, am I?

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