1st Day of Bumhood

It’s final – I’ve already left my job today.

At around 6:30pm (and yes, I finished my entire last day), I bid a widening goodbye and stepped out the doors of my firm.

It’s been great the way they bid me farewell.

First, they made a big announcement at the floor by the Head of HK/China Sales thanking me for all my efforts over the last four years, and then presented me with a bouquet of yellow flowers, a card signed by most people and a Kate Spade gift.


Afterwards, they took me out for lunch, and most of the salespeople were there.

Awwww again…

Then I spent the rest of the day moving my stuff to the Sharedrive for my successors to take over. I felt really sad you know. For years, I was recognized for my job and my position and did it quite well.

And now? Who am I?

Just a bum with no more income, traveling waiting to see what I can do on MBA.

Sigh, my head still haven’t gotten around it.

A bum.

Hope that all goes well and ultimately, it’s the right decision!

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